ZSU-57’s Mythical Service: Israeli Military

Recently War Thunder added the ZSU-57-2 to the Israeli tech tree which begs the question: Was the ZSU-57-2 used by Israel?

In 1967 and 1973 a few ZSU-57-2s were captured by Israel from Egypt and Syria, the ZSUs, and other captured equipment (APCs, Tank destroyers, Tanks, and SPAAGs) were paraded. Included among these pictures are examples of ZSU-57-2s being paraded. This has led to people claiming they have been used by Israel, and more specifically used during the war of 1973.

Captured ZSU-57-2 on parade

The issue with the claim is the lack of supporting evidence. The only proof we have is that at least two paraded ZSU-57-2s received an IDF number on their upper front plate (during the 1968 independence day parade in Jerusalem), and the fact ZSU-23-4s which were also captured 100% did enter service (although in limited numbers)

The fact that ZSU-23-4s entered service doesn't mean ZSU-57-2s did as well, and as for the IDF number? IDF numbers don't mean much, from footage of other captured equipment it can be seen that IDF numbers have been given to everything regardless of possible service, and the two ZSU-57-2 with IDF numbers lack IDF tactical markings of any kind, meaning they never got assigned a unit, additionally unlike the ZSU-23-4s that went into service under the nickname "Gundish" the captured ZSU-57-2s are never mentioned by nickname.

In contrast after 1956 Israel had some captured SU-100s and T-34-85s, they all got both IDF numbers and markings by 1957, and had a trial unit, only at the very end of the program the integration of T-34-85s and SU-100s into the IDF was canceled. With the ZSU-57-2 there isn't any proof (visual or written) that would prove service or even trials (at least I found nothing).

In short, the usage of ZSU-57-2 in the IDF is nothing but a myth. Although it is true that Israel had a few examples this by itself does not mean it should be considered a vehicle within their armed forces.

This makes the recent inclusion into the Israeli tech tree in War Thunder a generous stretch if not outright fabrication.


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