Japan Jan 19 Written By ConeOfArc Below is a collection of information on various Japanese vehicles and doctrines. WO 208_1320 British report on various Japanese vehicles with photos. WO 208_1325 More British information on Japanese tanks, similar to the above report. Handbook on Japanese Military Forces US intelligence on the Japanese military in WW2 as of September 1944. Japanese Tank and Anti-Tank Warfare US report on Japanese tanks and anti-tank weapons as well as how they are employed. ConeOfArc
Japan Jan 19 Written By ConeOfArc Below is a collection of information on various Japanese vehicles and doctrines. WO 208_1320 British report on various Japanese vehicles with photos. WO 208_1325 More British information on Japanese tanks, similar to the above report. Handbook on Japanese Military Forces US intelligence on the Japanese military in WW2 as of September 1944. Japanese Tank and Anti-Tank Warfare US report on Japanese tanks and anti-tank weapons as well as how they are employed. ConeOfArc